Thursday, September 20, 2007

US Attorney General Office, Department of Justice, New York

This is Zaw Naing, delivering a speech at US Attorney General Office, Department of Justice, New York.

Many people delivered speeches. We learnt about the US AG office's functions to fight mis-conducts, corruptions, and bribery of government officials including and law-enforcement agencies such as police (e.g., NYPS, prison guards, FBI, IRS, DEA, etc.), and elected representatives. We learnt about somes cases such as Medicare Fraud- selling the medicare cards and making easy money by medicare staff, and Mortgage Fraud- by false appraisals which lead to the loans of large amount of money against the real-estate collaterals which really worth less.

We appreciate Mr. Rob Radick and Ms. Sarah Loyne, Asst. U.S. Attorneys of Public Integrity Unit at US Attorney General Office, New York.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hot in Malawi

Daisey said...
Hi guys its friday afternoon its hot in Malawi - if I was in New Orleans I wonder what I will be doing!! I miss you guys I hope that you ore all having a good time.

Pls enjoy, participate and share in the blog.

Hello Friends,

Welcome to our Blog;
How is the Blog, Good, right?

It is a web space to share our photographs, comments, experience, thoughts, and ideas.

I am doing it starting from the people, enjoyment, and fun, and then plan to bring in more professional topics, then we may mix personal and professional ideas, experience and thoughts on this blog, so that making the objectives of the trip are fulfilled.

I would appreciate if you can contribute by posting and participating in building up the dynamic, participative, informative blog for ALL of us.

Cheers, Brothers and Sisters...

Zaw Naing

Friday, September 14, 2007

QUIZ: Dancing Couple

This is a quiz.

Guess who are dancing on the cruize at New Orleans?

Please send your guess to;

so that they can check if your guess is correct or not!

Melita from Croatia is an unbelieveable lady with talents in different areas, such as finance, stock markets and music.
Her piano playing is delicate, smooth and poignant.
Only lucky people like Ellen, Mussa, Hanadi, Zaw Naing, Feda, and Hazem had opportunity to enjoy her playing. But, she promised to do it again for the whole family when we all go to Zagreb, Croatia for visiting her stock exchange's annual party!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Artisticability of Girls from Jordan and Syria

Believe It or Not!

One Girl is a Director from Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan.
Another is Managing Partner of ASAS Business Cosultancy Ltd., a market leading accounting and auditing firm from Syria.

They are great!
They have sense of artisticability.
They are sure to go beyond the Limits, in their Government and Business!